Nqe lauj hom Tua Blasting Ntxuav machine
Nqe lauj hom Tua Blasting Ntxuav machine yog siv rau cov desanding thiab decoring ntawm daim. Me me, nruab nrab thiab loj heev qhov chaw yuav kev lag kev luam ntxuav.
Nws yog tsim los mus daws sib tov load ntawm medium & loj Cheebtsam xws li lub cev tsis kho & lus nrhiav. Me Cheebtsam yuav kuj yuav ntxuav los ntawm loading rau hauv cov cab kuj pob tawb. Ntau yam ua hauj lwm handing schemes li ncaj, tee, y thiab tas mus li lub voj yog tau. Tshuab tau ko load upto 5000 kg / khuam khawb ncaws los yog ntau tshaj.
Nqe lauj hom tua blasting machineFeature:
1) Big inclination kaum sab xis ntawm pwm kab noj hniav, yuav ua tau raws sib txawv products'casting txheej txheem.
2) Adjustable YAM ceev pwm kab noj hniav, txhim kho pwm exhausting.
3) PLC tswj, tag nrho hydraulic tsav, siab dependability.
4) Ceev nres khawm nyob rau hauv txheej nyob rau hauv lub tshuab cev, nws yog ib qho yooj yim.
5) Nws yog yooj yim txhim kho thiab regulating.
DX Blast can provide a customized designed solution to fit your requirements with our engineering and production facilities and we’re so proud that our machines meet with a favorable reception from our customers.
1). Q: Koj puas muaj tom qab kev muag khoom them nyiaj yug?
A: Tau, peb zoo siab muab tswv yim thiab peb kuj muaj cov neeg txawj technicians muaj thoob plaws lub ntiaj teb no. Peb xav tau koj cov cav tov khiav nyob rau hauv thiaj li yuav kom koj ua lag ua luam running.
2). Q: Yuav ua li cas yuav ua rau koj cov cav tov sib piv nrog rau lwm cov loj tuam txhab uas muag nyob rau hauv no ua lag luam?
A: Peb yuav mus txog hnub tim nrog qhov tseeb technology thiab txhim kho peb cov cav tov raws li.
3). Q: Yuav ua li cas koj Hoobkas ua hais txog kev tswj?
A: Zoo yog yam tseem ceeb. Peb yeej ib txwm muab tseem ceeb heev rau kev tswj los ntawm heev thaum pib mus rau thaum xaus ntawm lub ntau lawm. Txhua yam khoom yuav tau siab tau koom ua ke thiab ua tib zoo soj ntsuam ua ntej nws tau ntim rau zaub mov xa tuaj.
4). Q: Koj puas muag xwb txheem machines?
A: Tsis tau, feem ntau ntawm peb cov cav tov yog ua raws li cov neeg muas zaub specifications, siv sab saum toj hom lub npe Cheebtsam.
5). Q: Koj puas xa txoj cai cov khoom raws li tau txiav txim kom? Yuav ua li cas yuav ua tau kuv cia siab rau koj?
A: Yog, peb yuav. Cov tub ntxhais ntawm peb lub tuam txhab kab lis kev cai yog ua siab ncaj thiab credit. Peb yeej tsis tau txais tej kev tsis txaus siab los ntawm peb cov neeg muas zaub.
Download tau:
Yog hais tias koj muaj kev tshwj xeeb uas yuav tsum tau, thov download tau Blasting Equipments kev Lus Nug rau koj siv.