Kev uas quav conveyor tua blasting tshuab nrog hoist

Kev uas quav conveyor tua blasting tshuab nrog hoist Featured duab

Luv hauj lwm:

Shot blasting machine with hoist & roller conveyor systems will be used by a manufacturer of steel fabrication for building industry in Saudi. The machine is suitable for H beam, steel plate and also some different sizes forging, casting parts. Our engineer make the design with hoist & roller conveyor system together according the requirement. Roller Conveyor Shot Blasting Machine Details: 1) The number and power of the turbines are chosen according to the requirement production rat...

  • Khoom keeb kwm: Tuam Tshoj
  • Yam Tsis .: DX- RCBM-10
  • Lead Lub sij hawm: Nyob rau hauv 35-50 hnub
  • Kev Them Nqi: T / T, L / C
  • khoom Nthuav dav

    Txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv blasting tshuab nrog hoist & cov menyuam conveyor tshuab  yuav siv tau los ntawm ib tug chaw tsim tshuaj paus ntawm steel fabrication rau lub tsev lag luam nyob rau hauv Saudi. Lub tshuab no yog tsim rau H beam, steel phaj thiab ib co sib txawv ntau thiab tsawg pab forging, casting qhov chaw. Peb engineer ua tus tsim nrog hoist & cov menyuam conveyor system ua ke raws li qhov uas yuav tsum.

    Cov Menyuam Conveyor Txhaj Koob Tshuaj Tiv Thaiv Tshuab Lus Qhia:

    Txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv blasting tshuab nrog hoist & cov menyuam conveyor tshuab

    1) Tus xov tooj thiab lub hwj chim ntawm lub turbines yuav xaiv raws li qhov yuav tsum tau ntau lawm npaum li cas.

    2) PLC tswj system, ruaj khov zoo thiab yooj yim kom tau kev pab los ntawm lub zos.

    3) Tivthaiv tseem ceeb qhov chaw txais ntiaj teb nto moo hom, xws li  Siemens, Omron, Schneider, Mitsubishi.

    4) nrog tau yam nruas separator, siab nkauj nraug npaum li cas

    5) Tag nrho cov txhaj koob tshuaj tivthaiv blasting tshuab yog lig kev nrog abrasive reclaim systems, separator thiab hmoov av collector.

    6) 20 xyoo tej engineers, Mekas cov kev pab muaj.

    7) Tom qab-muag kev pab txhawb nqa yuav tsum muab tsis pub dhau  24 teev.


    Tshuab parameter:
        1  Blasting chamber Moj tej tawg Chamber Qhib Loj: 1500 hli × 2200 hli
        2  Hook system
    Hluav taws xob thaiv
    1) Qhov hnyav ntawm nqa: 8 Tuj
    2) Kev nrawm ntawm nuv: 0.3-5 m / min
    3) Qhov ntau: 2 Teeb
        3  Blasting nozzles 1) Cov Qauv: YD-30B
    2) Kev tua lub ntim ntim: 200 × 10 kg / min
    3) Fais fab: 11 × 10 Kw
    4) Muaj Tsawg: 10 Txheej
        4  Portrait kab rov tav
    & rov qab ntsia hlau Conveyor
    1) Portrait Kev xa khoom muaj peev xwm: 15 t / h
    2) Fais fab: 7.5 kw
    3) Kab rov tav kev xa khoom muaj peev xwm: 150 T / h
    4) Fais fab: 5.5 kw
    5) Kev xa rov qab muaj peev xwm: 20 t / h
    6) Fais fab: 3 kw
        5  Rov qab blower 1) Cov cua tshuab: 9-19-4.5A
    2) fais fab: 15 kw
        6  Thoob of Elevator 1) Lub peev xwm nqa: 150 t / h
    2) Lub zog: 5.5 kw
        7. Peb muaj 7  Huab Cua Ntxuav 1) Cais kev muaj peev xwm: 150 t / h
    2) Lub zog: 5.5 kw
        8. 8  Cov Plua Av Sau Cov Hnab Qaum Hnab
    Qaum Hlau Cov Hluav Taws Xob Hluav Taws Xob
    1) tus qauv: Lt-12
    2) Tus naj npawb rau cartridges: 24 pcs
    3) Zoo rau cartridges: Polyester ntsiab lus
    4) Cua tshuab qauv: 4-72-5A
    5) Fais fab tuag: 15 x 2 Kw
    6) Qhov ntau: 2 teeb

    cov menyuam conveyor xeb tshem tshuab lwm

    DX moj tej tawg yuav muab ib tug customized tsim tshuaj kom haum koj yuav tsum tau nrog peb cov engineering thiab cov chaw ntau lawm thiab peb nyob nraum zoo siab hais tias peb cov cav tov raws li nrog ib tug dej siab txais tos los ntawm peb cov neeg muas zaub.


                                        DX HIGH KAWM Turbine


    cov menyuam conveyor tua blasting tshuab DX HIGH KAWM Turbine


    Download tau:
    Yog hais tias koj muaj kev tshwj xeeb uas yuav tsum tau, thov download tau  Blasting Equipments kev Lus Nug  rau koj siv.

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