DX-jeblugan Bakal Rawuh Ing Pameran Steel Fab 12

Name: Pameran 12 Steel Fab.
Wektu: 17 Januari 20 Januari, 2016.
Venue: Expo Center, Al Tawwun Street, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates.
Booth Panggil: 1236.
Acara Koleksi: Trade Show, Fair lan Exhibition.
Steel Fab is the one of the best trade platforms that consistently brings cutting-edge technology from across the world on a single platform. Steel Fab is the stage where many critical themes will likely be talked over. Most of these are typically Industry, Metalworking, Metal Industry, Steel Industry, Welding, Cutting and Machine Tools.  

Ing pameran 12 Timur Tengah Trade Show kanggo Pakaryan, Metal Manufacturing lan Industri Steel Pengolahan bakal kalebu Penyetor lan keputusane produsen saka Industry, Metalworking, Industry Metal, Industri Steel, Welding, Cutting lan industri Machine Tools. Kayata: Preparation lumahing lan Finishing; Steel Machinery; Welding & Cutting; Pembinaan Pipe. DX-jeblugan uga bakal melu ing acara iki, lan kita welcome kanggo ngunjungi Booth kita ora ana. 1236. 


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Post wektu: Mar-13-2019

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